Eight Classroom Rules for Mrs. Silver's Tech Class
In this class students will learn the basics of set, lighting, costume, make-up, and sound design and also get hands on experience. Since many tools will be used in this class safety is key. Please read the following rules to understand how safety will be kept in the classroom. Thanks!
1. Wear appropriate clothing to class.
We will be doing lots of dirty work: painting, cutting word, cleaning, hanging lights, etc. Students should wear clothing that will not impede their work and that they won’t mind getting permanently dirty. Please bring a change of clothes if necessary.
2. Be in your seats by 5 minutes after the period starts.
Students who need to change their clothes will be given until 5 minutes after the period to be in their seats. I will start class on time, if you miss instructions you will need to get them from one of your classmates.
3. Always bring your notebook and pen to class.
Although we will doing projects as a class, you will often be required to work without constant supervision thus taking notes will be necessary for you to complete tasks in the required time.
4. Be actively engaged in the lesson.
Our projects will be hands so if you’re not participating you won’t receive points for the day.
5. Treat others with respect.
I will always treat students the way I would want to be treated and ask the same of everyone who enters my class. Students showing persistent disrespect will be reprimanded, if behavior continues the student will be re-assigned to solitary remedial tasks until seen fit. This will also result in a lower grade since the student will no longer be receiving full points for completing their team’s tasks.
6. Always work with a partner.
It is faster, safer and easier to work with a partner. If your partner isn’t in class ask me what you should do. Students found working irresponsibly without a partner will lose points for that day’s work.
7. Follow safety rules.
Some of our projects have the potential to be dangerous if handled unwisely. Students who break safety rules will be reprimanded; if dangerous behavior persists they will lose points for the day and be assigned to another task, if dangerous behavior continues students will be permanently removed from the class.
8. Always finish work on time.
Projects for this class will be used for the school’s theatrical productions. If assignments are not finished on time the whole production will suffer. Since due dates are so important teams will receive significantly lowered points for late projects. If a team needs extend time to complete a project they must set up an appointment with me to present their case to avoid losing points. If a team has been slothful, they may receive the extended deadline but will still lose the points. Teams how have worked hard will not lose points for needing an extended deadline.