Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Final: What I Learned

1. What were some valuable things you learned this semester?
I loved learning how to use a blog, how to do video editing, what pixels are, and how to edit sound (which I did for my one of my final projects), and how to download files and convert them.

2. What are some technologies that you think you might use in an actual teaching setting?
I absolutely know that I will use the video editing software, posting things on youtube, using more types of google documents, sharing google calendars, embedding and using Audacity.

3. What things do you feel you understand better now than you sis at the beginning of the semester?
I never understood how to make and use a blog and the capacities it has. I now know how to edit videos and sounds, I also know how to convert file types!! I didn't understand what embedding was before this class and I now know how to embed calendars, videos, slideshows and such. All in all, it's been a good learning experience :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Internet Safety

Write a blog entry that covers the following:
(a) List one or two thoughts on things you learned in class on internet safety
(b) Take an inventory of your own computer. Do you have anti-virus? Do you stay up to date with Windows/Mac patches? Do you let your browser update?

I do have anti-virus, I stay up to date with patches and I do let my browser update (go chrome!).

(c) Is there anything you can do to be more secure online? If so list them and write a sentence or two on each how they can be a security threat.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lesson One

Bullet Wound

Please study the slide show and then watch the video clip. Then do the make up yourself and post a picture as a comment.

Assignment: Now try the make-up yourself and post a picture of yourself in the comment.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Using Blogs in the Classroom

I never would have thought about using a blog in the classroom. First of all, I hate blogging. And second of all, I didn't realize the potential of a blog. But know I can see a few good things about it.

I'm studying Theater Education, so I'll be a high school drama teacher. A blog would be incredibly helpful in showing the community what's going on with my school's drama program: what shows we're doing, what the students are working on, and what upcoming programs we have. Since theater is often under appreciated by administrations this blog would really help to show that the drama program is doing something: I could even add a gadget to track how often the blog is being viewed to show the interest the community has in the drama program.

Also a blog could be really helpful for students. At BYU we use Blackboard. But if I work at a school where we don't use a website like that I could easily make a blog to take it's place. My IP&T 286 teacher has a website (http://ipt286.2tailedmonkey.com/)and I think I could replicate something like it using a blog. On the website I could post the class syllabus, our calender, and assignments. We could even have a class discussion where I post an article for them to read or a video for them to watch and they have to respond to it.

Summary: don't underestimate a blog. It can be a good tool.