I loved learning how to use a blog, how to do video editing, what pixels are, and how to edit sound (which I did for my one of my final projects), and how to download files and convert them.
2. What are some technologies that you think you might use in an actual teaching setting?
I absolutely know that I will use the video editing software, posting things on youtube, using more types of google documents, sharing google calendars, embedding and using Audacity.
3. What things do you feel you understand better now than you sis at the beginning of the semester?
I never understood how to make and use a blog and the capacities it has. I now know how to edit videos and sounds, I also know how to convert file types!! I didn't understand what embedding was before this class and I now know how to embed calendars, videos, slideshows and such. All in all, it's been a good learning experience :)